FAQ Switzerland

Does the blickfang design shop also ship orders to Switzerland?

Yes, even if the designer is not from Switzerland, you will receive all products from our website.

Will customs costs be covered?

Yes, the blickfang design shop will cover the customs costs for you.

Have you received a customs invoice?

If, contrary to expectations, you have received a customs invoice, please send it to us at orders@blickfang-designshop.com. We will of course take care of it.

Can I also pay by invoice?

Unfortunately not, but we offer you many other payment options: credit card, Paypal and AmazonPay.

Where can I find the invoice for my order?

The shipping confirmation contains a link that you can use to download and print the invoice.

Why do I receive my order in different packages?

The designers ship the products directly to you, so if you have purchased products from different designers, they will usually arrive in different packages.

Where can I find the delivery times?

You can find the regular delivery time on the product page, to the right of the product image.

Where does the blickfang design shop find the designers?

The blickfang design shop offers you the opportunity to get to know products that our trend scouts have discovered for you at the blickfang design fairs and international trade fairs in Milan, Paris or Stockholm. In the blickfang design shop you get access to original, high-quality and long-lasting design: exactly what nobody has, but everyone would like to have.

What makes the products special?

The products are made in small series, often lovingly by hand in Europe. Many designers pay attention to sustainability and put a lot of heart and soul into the development and every detail.

Can I also find the products from the blickfang design shop at the blickfang trade fair?

Not all, but many of our products can be found at our trade fairs and vice versa. On the blickfang homepage you can find out which exhibitors are at which trade fairs.

Why does shipping take so long?

Often the products are only made individually for you when you order them. In addition, many of our designers come from all over Europe. Our designers usually send the goods to you directly from their factories and do their best to ensure that your favorite pieces reach you as quickly as possible.

Our designer ships to our logistics center in Germany, from there your order is sent to our logistics provider in Switzerland, from where the order is sent to you. Clearing customs can take several days.

If you are unsure whether the products will reach you on time, please feel free to contact us. We will do our best to fulfill your wishes.

How can I rate the product?

The designer and we are always happy to receive your review! At the very bottom of each product page there is a button called 'Write a customer review'.

What should I do if I want to return my order?

In case of a return please contact our customer service at orders@blickfang-designshop.com

When will the return be credited?

It may take a few days for us to process your return.
You will usually receive the credit within 14 days.

Do you have further questions?

Then please contact us by email at orders@blickfang-designshop.com.